October 15 Digital Pedagogy Workshop: What, Why, and How



The Fordham Graduate Student Digital Humanities group announces their next workshop, “Digital Pedagogy: What it is, Why it is, and How to do it well” with Anelise H. Shrout on Thursday, October 15th from 1-3pm in Dealy 205.

We’re often told that our students are digital natives – growing up on and with the internet. At the same time, digital pedagogy seems to flummox many undergraduates, who are familiar with writing papers but not with making websites. This talk discusses approaches to integrating things digital into undergraduate classes, introduces a few useful tools (Omeka, Neatline, Voyant, WordPress) and workshops some solutions to the challenges of digital undergraduate pedagogy.

Anelise H. Shrout is a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Studies at Davidson College, with a PhD in history from NYU. As a digital humanist, Shrout is interested in how the ‘internet age’ changes the way we interact with sources and with students – and in how the digital humanities shape what we do both as scholars and as teachers.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to fordhamgsdh@gmail.com or on the Facebook event page. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

P.S. There will be pizza.

P.P.S. Thanks to those of you who made Alex Gil’s Minimalist Computing workshop such a success! If you couldn’t attend, here’s what you missed.

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