Federal Data Privacy Law is Coming


A law book with a gavel - Privacy law

It’s only a matter of time before the U.S. passes federal data privacy legislation. Karen Schuler, an expert in governance, risk, and compliance, writes that while “uncertainty remains about some provisions of a federal privacy law,” and debate on key aspects lies ahead,” the country stands to benefit from such a law. A “clear and consistent U.S. framework for data privacy would have significant advantages for businesses and consumers alike.”

Here are a few reasons why Fordham University and consumers will benefit from federal privacy laws.

  1. Business Abroad: Fordham University has a significant reach abroad. With the invalidation of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield by the Court of Justice of the European Union in July 2020, federal privacy regulation must strive to meet the adequacy requirements of the GDPR and other comprehensive privacy frameworks abroad.  A federal privacy law would support Fordham’s relationships with the EU and the global community.
  2. Compliance: Federal privacy legislation would help businesses and organizations like Fordham clearly understand their specific obligations for achieving compliance.
  3. Data Protection: Consumers will gain more control over their personal data. All business sectors, including higher education institutions, will have a legal standard for how to collect, store, use, and share data.

Read more about the federal privacy law.

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