You’re Invited! Faculty Technology Orientation Day


Image of technology examples

All new and returning faculty are invited to this orientation, which takes place at the beginning of the school year. IT staff offer an overview of all IT services and developments relevant to teaching and research.  Faculty also have a chance to meet with new colleagues, as well as discuss their views and expectations of technology services for the upcoming academic year with Fordham IT team members. A light breakfast and lunch are provided.  

Join your colleagues and Fordham IT staff on Tuesday, August 28 to refresh your familiarity with Fordham’s rich technology resources. The event will take place at the Rose Hill campus in Walsh Library, O’Hare Special Collections (4th floor).

RSVP at the IT Events Calendar


9:00 Coffee & Muffins
9:30 Welcome and overview of Fordham’s technology resources

  • Technology support for faculty at Fordham
  • Faculty Technology Centers
  • Teaching & Learning Environment (Media Services)
  • Communicating with Fordham IT
  • Learning Management System
  • Research support
  •’s essential tools for your classes
  • Additional IT training and support

10:10 New technology resources
10:20 Class is cancelled, but you can keep in touch!
10:30 Accessibility issues
10:50 Break
11:00 IT Security at Fordham
11:15 Library services overview
11:30 Google Suite for the classroom
11:45 Q&A

12:00 Lunch

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