Welcome to the Blackboard Mailbag, where we feature a commonly asked question that has been hitting our mailbox recently: blackboard@fordham.edu. Check out our Bb Mailbag archive of previous Blackboard questions and answers or visit fordham.edu/blackboard for additional resources.
Note: Features may change with future updates.
Q: What’s the difference between a folder and a learning module for organizing content?
In Blackboard Ultra, there are two main organizational components: folders and learning modules. While they serve similar purposes in terms of organizing course content, there are some key differences between them.
Folders in Blackboard Ultra are used to organize and store various types of course materials such as documents, videos, images, or other files. They act as containers for these resources and can be created within the course content area. Folders allow you to categorize and arrange files based on topics, weeks, or any other organizational structure that suits your course design. Within a folder, you can have multiple files or subfolders to further organize content.
Learning Modules
Learning modules, on the other hand, are a more comprehensive way to organize and present course content. They provide a structured learning experience guiding students through a specific topic or week of the course, presenting the content in a linear or sequential manner. This sequential presentation helps students navigate through the material and ensures they engage with the content in a particular order.
Learn about how to create content in Blackboard:
New! You can now add an image to a module. Make sure to add alternative text if the image is not decorative. This will allow screenreaders used by students with visual impairments to be able to read the description of the image to the student.
Read more about creating content on the Blackboard instructor online guide
For additional FAQs and resources about Blackboard, visit fordham.edu/blackboard, attend one of our workshops, or reach out to us (blackboard@fordham.edu) with your availability and we will accommodate small groups and one-on-one sessions.
Have feedback or suggestions on features? Blackboard’s parent company Anthology hosts The Idea Exchange. This is a place specifically for Blackboard to track and manage enhancement requests. It allows for things like upvoting ideas and sharing development plans and statuses. You will need to create an account to access the Idea Exchange.