New: Conditional Notifications for Google Sheets


In order to provide greater visibility into spreadsheet changes most relevant to your workflow and help enable more efficient team communication, Google has introduced conditional notifications

These allow you to create rules in spreadsheets that send email notifications when certain criteria are met. When a specific change is made, such as a column value change or a specific range of cell changes, you will receive an email notification with alerts of what occurred in the spreadsheet and who made the update. You also have the option to configure the notifications for others by inputting their email addresses during the notification setup. 

For example, you can set rules to notify you (or others) when tasks have changed status or owner in a project tracker, certain items reach a certain number of stock in an inventory tracker, or a number drops below a certain value in a forecast analysis.

Adding a rule to set up Conditional notifications in Google Sheets

Getting Started:

You can set notifications when a range of cells changes value or a range of cells matches a particular condition.

Set up conditional notifications

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. At the top, click Tools > Conditional notifications.
  3. Click Add rule.
  4. [Optional] To name the rule, type in the name in the text editor.
  5. Under “In this column,” select a column or a custom range.
  6. [Optional] To set additional criteria on your rule, click Add condition.
  7. To add the email addresses to send notifications to, under “Then take the following action,” select an option:
    1. Manually type each email, then in the text box below, enter names or email addresses.
    2. Choose a column with emails, then select the column that contains email addresses or people.

Unsubscribe from conditional notifications

To unsubscribe from conditional notifications for a specific spreadsheet:

  1. From the footer of the email notification itself, click Change what Google sends you.
  2. From the spreadsheet, click Tools > Notification settings > Conditional notifications.
  3. Under “Conditional notifications,” select None.

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Note: This article was modified from Stay up to date on important changes 
in your Google Sheets and Use conditional notifications and revised with 
additional content.

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