Lacuna Stories, Powerful Annotation Software, Offered at Fordham



LacunaStories is an open-source tool designed at Stanford University to create new possibilities for reading and studying collaboratively. By focusing on the digital annotation of course readings or student writing, LacunaStories allows instructors and students to discover different ways of reading, interpreting, and discussing course and peer generated materials.

During the fall 2016 semester, Fordham IT’s Instructional Technology and Academic Computing (ITAC) group conducted a pilot project involving the in-class use of LacunaStories. Dr. Anne Hoffman and Dr. Sarah Gambito, faculty from the Department of English, and Dr. Maria Ruvoldt, from the Department of Art History, participated. You can see their projects here. The pilot was a success, and ITAC now offers this free annotation software to all Fordham faculty interested in incorporating social annotation in their upcoming classes.

LacunaStories enhances the rich, discussion-based learning of a seminar style course by extending that conversation to the readings before and after class. The result is often students who are better prepared for class. They arrive to class with questions and even answers to discuss with their peers. Instructors may use LacunaStories to get a better sense of student interest in a particular subject. They can also identify “hot spots” that are ripe for discussion or clarification based on student annotations.

For a one-on-one tutorial, or to schedule a brief introduction in your class, please contact Shawn Hill (

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