Fordham IT Steps Up to Fitness Challenge


Minimalist Walk on Campus smallFordham IT staff is getting more fit and connected with each other by counting their steps when they walk, run, and climb stairs. On November 2, twenty-one of IT staff kicked off a six-month Fitness Challenge. They’ll record their daily step counts by synching their FitBit activity tracker or smartphone with the free app from FitBit. They’ll keep in touch with each other’s progress via a private group in FitBit’s online community.

The idea for the Fitness Challenge came during one of Fordham IT’s monthly walking meetings, which are held at the Botanical Garden and Central Park, where staff discuss new ideas and tackle work challenges.

During the six-month endeavor, IT staff is taking on the challenge to walk 50,000 steps per week, for 20 out of 26 weeks, until April 24, 2016. Throughout the six-months, organizers Richard Eberhardt, Katherine Egan, and Elizabeth Cornell will present a few daily and weekly challenges, and award small prizes to the winners. At the end of the challenge, the three high steppers will each receive a special gift card for their efforts. Three others will be randomly chosen to receive a special gift of recognition, as well.

FitBit App SmallThe Fitness Challenge is open to anyone who works for Fordham IT. If someone needs a more reasonable step goal, they’re welcome to choose one. Over 20 IT staff have signed up, and almost everyone is on board to meet or beat the challenge to take 50,000 steps per week.

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