18 FAQs about Fordham WiFi


Fordham WiFi

1. Where can I find instructions for connecting to Fordham University’s WiFi network?
Fordham.edu/wireless provides full instructions for accessing the WiFi, including the eduroam network

2. What’s Connect-Fordham-WiFi, and what’s the difference between the Fordham-S and Fordham-P network connections?
When setting up a new device, select Connect-Fordham-Wifi from the list of available networks. Use the Connect-Fordham-WiFi wizard to help you connect to either Fordham-S or Fordham-P.

Find out the features of each network with this chart that compares Fordham-S with Fordham-P.

3. What kinds of devices can connect to Fordham WiFi?
PCs, Macs, and mobile devices that can detect a 5.0 ghz wireless frequency.

4. What kinds of devices can’t detect a 5.0 ghz wireless frequency?
Devices with older WiFi technology that can only connect at a 2.4 ghz wireless frequency.

5. How do I check if my computer supports a 5.0 ghz wireless frequency?
General instructions for PCs (instructions may be slightly different for your PC):

Open the Control Panel. Go to the Device Manager and click on the icon or name of your PC’s wireless adapter. In the Network Adapters section, you’ll see the make and model of your PC’s WiFi adapter. If you see the number “802.11” followed by a letter (usually a, b, g, n, or x), it means your device supports 5.0 ghz.

General instructions for a Mac (instructions may be slightly different for your Mac)

  1. Click on the Apple icon on the upper left-hand corner
  2. Click on About this Mac
  3. Click on System Report
  4. In the Networks section, click on WiFi
  5. Under “Interfaces,” look for “Supported PHY Modes.” If you see “802.11” and an “a” or “ac,” your device supports a 5 ghz frequency.

All Macs with WiFi capability and manufactured since 2007 can support 5.0 ghz; some Macs manufactured in 2006 also support 5.0 ghz.

6. What if my computer can’t detect a 5.0 ghz wireless frequency?
Fordham IT will provide your computer with a free adapter that enables it to connect to the WiFi. Call IT Customer Care to request one (718-817-3999).

7. How long do I have to wait to get an adapter and where do I get one?
Ordinarily, IT Customer Care has a supply of these adapters. When the supply runs low, another batch is ordered for next day delivery. Call them if you would like one (718-817-3999).

8. When I try to connect to the Fordham-S network, a pop-up tells me I need an antivirus. I don’t want to pay for an antivirus.
Fordham offers Bitdefender free to all Fordham students and employees. Download Bitdefender.

9. I want to use my own antivirus. How do I know if it’s compatible with Fordham’s WiFi?
Most antivirus applications are compatible. Make sure yours is up to date. If you’re not sure whether it’s compatible or whether it’s programmed for automatic updates, call IT Customer Care to find out: (718-817-3999).

10. I have Bitdefender or another antivirus installed, and my computer can detect a 5.0 ghz bandwidth. I still have trouble connecting to the WiFi. Help!
Check to make sure your computer’s operating system is up to date and is set to receive automatic updates.

Peer-to-peer applications cannot be used on the network. Make sure none is installed and operating on your computer.

Still can’t resolve the issue? Call IT Customer Care for help: (718-817-3999).

11. My mobile device does not support a 5.0 ghz wireless frequency. What should I do?
For devices that are NOT laptops, the answer depends upon the device:

TVs or gaming systems: These devices may be capable of a wired connection. Contact IT Customer Care (718-817-3999) and they will walk you through the steps for getting such devices onto the wired network. (Game consoles and other media devices must be registered to the network. Go to the Tech Help tab at My.Fordham and put in a request using the keyword “game.”)

Smartphones and other devices: Some devices, especially older models, may be limited in their WiFi configuration, meaning they don’t accept adapters and/or have no capacity for wired connections. In this case, the only alternative is to upgrade the device to one that supports 5.0 ghz, or use a personal data plan.

12. When I use Fordham WiFi, I get an alert from certain pages, such as Netflix, that my connection is “unstable and vulnerable to hackers.” What should I do?
Call IT Customer Care and they will help troubleshoot: (718-817-3999).

13. To use Fordham-S on my computer, I had to download a file. What’s the purpose of this file?
This file keeps the relationship between your device and the WiFi network secure. It is one of the reasons why you do not need to re-authenticate to the network every month. It allows your computer to notify you when you are out of compliance with your operating system (i.e., Windows, OSX) and antivirus (i.e., BitDefender, Symantec) updates. The file also ensures you are not using a peer-to-peer application, which is prohibited from our network.

14. WiFi is very spotty, especially in the dorms. What’s going on here?
Fordham IT constantly scans and upgrades the University’s WiFi infrastructure. WiFi signals can be affected by many external factors, such as construction barriers, metal girders, rebar, concrete thickness, odd wall configurations, and so on. Thus, it is not possible to know all problem areas when new WiFi access points are installed in the residence halls. We rely on students to let us know where there’s issue by reporting it to IT Customer Care (718-817-3999). When we get the report, technicians are sent out to survey and remediate the issue as soon as possible.

15. Why are we using a 5.0 ghz bandwidth? Everything was fine with 2.4 ghz.
5.0 ghz is the standard WiFi on most current technologies. It provides better speed and greater reliability to the nearest access points in the University. The 5.0 ghz was implemented in response to students who complained that the 2.4 ghz was too slow.

16. Do I still have to authenticate to the network every month?
No, but you will have to authenticate again if you change your Fordham AccessIT password.

17. Which network should my guests use: Fordham-P or FordhamGuest?
The most secure guest network is Fordham-P. Go to Connect-Fordham-WiFi and follow the instructions to access Fordham-P, which is our guest network. Guest networks, which you may have used at Starbucks, airports, and hotels, are by nature less secure and have limitations in access and speed. Our guest network has been tested and qualified for normal access and use of the Internet. Remember to browse only to secure sites for you personal data security safety.

FordhamGuest is provided for the convenience of visitors to campus. This network provides unprotected and insecure access to the Internet. The network allows basic web browsing and is limited to Internet-available services. Do not use the network for the exchange of sensitive or personal information. Members of the Fordham community SHOULD NOT use this network; instead, use the more secure options.

18. Does Fordham University have an acceptable use policy for the wireless network?
Yes. All users of Fordham WiFi resources must adhere to the University’s Acceptable Uses of IT Infrastructure and Resources Policy, which is available on the University’s web pages.

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