Bb Mailbag: Item vs Course Copy


Welcome to the Blackboard Mailbag, where we feature a commonly asked question that has been hitting our mailbox recently: You’ll find an archive of all of the previous questions and answers on our website.  

Note:  Features may change with future updates.  

Q:  How do I copy content from a previous course into my current course?

A:  You can copy individual course items or an entire course.   

Copy materials from an Ultra Course to another Ultra Course

  1. Click on the three dots at the top right of the course content and select Copy on the three dots
  2. Search for the course that you want to copy from and put a check in the box in front of the course to copy the entire course.  If you only need to copy specific pieces of content instead then click on the arrow next to the course.
    checkboxes vs arrow icon to select content

    • Check boxes appear differently when you select entire courses or individual course items. A check mark shows you’ve selected the entire course for copy. A dash shows you’ve selected some pieces of content in a course. When you view the items in a course, select the book icon to open a menu to navigate back to your courses and organizations list.
  3. After you finalize your selections, select Copy selected content and the copy action begins. Status indicators on the Course Content page show the progress. A success message appears when the action is completed. The copied content is added to the end of the content list.

You can also choose to copy content into the Course Content area by clicking on the purple (+) icon and selecting the Copy Items option.

click on the plus icon

Copy materials from an Original Course to another Ultra Course

Step by step directions for copying from an Original course to an Ultra course


For more about Copying Items or Copying a Course, visit the Bb Instructor guide on this topic.

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Have feedback or suggestions on features?  Blackboard’s parent company Anthology hosts The Idea Exchange.  This is a place specifically for Blackboard to track and manage enhancement requests. It allows for things like upvoting ideas and sharing development plans and statuses. You will need to create an account to access the Idea Exchange.

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