Bb Mailbag: Vendor support (Voicethread, Panopto, McGraw Hill, Pearson)


Welcome to the Blackboard Mailbag, where we feature a commonly asked question that has been hitting our mailbox recently: You’ll find an archive of all of the previous questions and answers on our website.  

Note:  Features may change with future updates.  

Q:  How can I get help troubleshooting a Voicethread issue?

In addition to contacting the Fordham IT Service Desk (718-817-3999 or or Blackboard team (718-817-3999 or, Voicethread as well as Panopto and the publishers McGraw Hill and Pearson offer support that you can access directly.  

Voicethread Support email:  


  • Panopto documentation – Panopto’s 24×7 team will provide instructions and documentation from on Panopto workflows, such as resetting your password, viewing videos, making recordings, or editing a video.
  • Panopto will provide troubleshooting for users who have issues recording or uploading videos, or if a video will not process. Note that Panopto will only troubleshoot individual issues Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8 p.m EST.

How do I contact Panopto Support?

McGraw Hill: Higher Education Support


  • Technical Support:  1-855-675-0144
  • Revel Technical Support:  1-855-875-1801
  • Chat also available:  Contact Support


For additional FAQs and resources about Blackboard, visit, attend one of our workshops, or reach out to us with your availability and we will accommodate small groups and one-on-one sessions.

Have feedback or suggestions on features?  Blackboard’s parent company Anthology hosts The Idea Exchange.  This is a place specifically for Blackboard to track and manage enhancement requests. It allows for things like upvoting ideas and sharing development plans and statuses. You will need to create an account to access the Idea Exchange.

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