Welcome to the Blackboard Mailbag, where we feature a commonly asked question that has been hitting our mailbox recently: blackboard@fordham.edu. Check out our Bb Mailbag archive of previous Blackboard questions and answers or visit fordham.edu/blackboard for additional resources.
Note: Features may change with future updates.
Q: I didn’t realize that the default is that all items are not visible to students. Is there a way to change the visibility of all of the items at one time?
A: Yes, this is one of the new and improved features that faculty have been asking for! With the batch edit function, you’ll be able to change the visibility of items, edit the dates that the items are available, and bulk delete items.
When editing dates there is also an option that will let you shift dates by a certain number of days. This is particularly useful when you’ve copied over content from another course and want to change all of the date restriction conditions at once. To calculate the number of days between the two dates of the current course from the previous semester you can use this duration calculator.
To access the batch edit function, click on the three dots at the top of the column on the right side of the course content page and select batch edit:
For additional FAQs and resources about Blackboard, visit fordham.edu/blackboard, attend one of our workshops, or reach out to us (blackboard@fordham.edu) with your availability and we will accommodate small groups and one-on-one sessions.
Have feedback or suggestions on features? Blackboard’s parent company Anthology hosts The Idea Exchange. This is a place specifically for Blackboard to track and manage enhancement requests. It allows for things like upvoting ideas and sharing development plans and statuses. You will need to create an account to access the Idea Exchange.