As of June 30th, the portal is merged with the Fordham website. The look and feel have changed. For instance, there will no longer be tabs or channels. Instead, after you login to the website, you will access the information you need through the “My Pages” and “My Apps” navigation found at the top of the screen. The login for the new portal is found in the top maroon navigation bar of
On smaller screens, this menu shows as three lines on the top right.
Some items may not be where you are used to seeing them. If you have trouble finding:
Gmail | Go to the My Apps page and click Gmail |
Blackboard | Go to the My Apps page and click Blackboard |
Reporting | Go to the Employee page, click Administrative Applications, click Reporting |
Finance tab | Go to the Employee page, click Finance |
Timesheet approvals | Go to the Employee page, click on Employee Dashboard. On the right, click Approve Time |
My Grades | Go to the Student page, Click on My Account, Scroll down to circle-shaped links |
My Courses | Go to the Student page, Click on My Account, Scroll down to circle-shaped links |
Class Lists | Go to the Faculty page, Click on Administrative applications, scroll down to faculty services |
Contact IT Customer Care at (718) 817-3999 or